Monday, May 10, 2010

TAZO & The Economist

Tazo tea is amazing. I hesitate to think of what life during finals would be like without it. It's absolutely delicious and comes in many different, natural flavors. I'm sorry that I discovered its greatness so late.

Another thing I discovered late in the game: The Economist magazine. I know it sounds daunting, and in a way it is because I really don't know much about economics. But I love that it is focused on international politics and the state of the world's finances. I honestly used to think that it was a magazine solely about economic theory because I don't think I had ever picked up a copy (stores in Ohio really don't sell it) and because our school WOULD sell a magazine like that. Obviously, I was pleasantly surprised when I picked up a copy and found out that it is everything I am interested in compiled into one beautifully written magazine. It recognizes that everything in politics and economics is connected today, and that it is increasingly difficult to think of economies separately because each country relies so heavily on other countries. A lot of American news sources focus so much on our own economy that I think we all lose a little perspective in the end.

Added bonus: Some of the articles are super witty. You know I can't resist nerd wit.