Monday, May 10, 2010

National Day of Prayer and Priceless Sarah

I just watched a clip online of Bill O'Reilly and Sarah Palin talking about the National Day of Prayer. And though it slightly pains me to say this - I agree with them! Gasp. Of course, our reasons for supporting a day of prayer are entirely different on most fronts. Palin believes that America is a Christian nation and thus we should have a day of prayer blah blah Jesus blah blah. I don't really buy into that reasoning. However, I think O'Reilly hits the nail on the head (I probably shouldn't use that phrase here haha) when he says that this day simply encourages prayer. I don't think that there is anything wrong with the government acknowledging that people in this country are religious and encouraging them to be so. It shouldn't offend you if you aren't religious because, let's face it, there are plenty of days and months that the government has endorsed that aren't for everyone but no one cares because it's a nice thing to do (ex: women's history month. Not everyone is a woman obviously). Yes, religion is taboo, but this day wouldn't force anyone to do anything. Anyway, I originally intended to post about this because Sarah and Bill had a wonderfully hilarious exchange:

Bill O'Reilly: What do you say to the people in Chinatown, San Francisco, here in New York and in other big cities...uh...the Asian Americans who come from a different religious culture. Do they not participate in the Judeo-Christian tradition? I mean, they don't believe it. They believe something else.

Palin: We get to say to them - Yay! Welcome to America, where we are tolerant.

hahaha. She goes on to say that it's great we have freedom of religion, which is true and wonderful, but can we please appreciate her phrasing for a moment? You can't write this stuff.

So what do you think? Day of Prayer, oder nein? Here's the interview in its entirety if you want to see it: