Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We Built This City


I am slightly obsessed with that song right now. I don't know why. Grace Slick didn't even like it. She also didn't like Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (another Starship song) because "what if you got hit by a bus or something?" hahaha

Finally bought my tickets for BRAZIL! I am leaving June 25th with meu pai! Very very excited, but I have a lot of work to do before I go.

Which leads me perfectly to my next point: June is going to be MY month. I plan on really make this month count. I need to be really diligent about learning Portuguese and working out (for two reasons - in preparation for Brazil and so that I can hopefully play vb in the fall, considering I probably won't have touched a ball all summer).

Also - I figured out why I didn't like the new Alice in Wonderland movie. I know, late, but regardless. Alice really lost her spark. All her curiosity was gone. She did most of what she did just because she felt obligated and thought she was asleep. Boo. I need to read the books now to make sure it was just the writing/acting and not Lewis Carrol's fault.
(ps: Grace Potter did a cover of White Rabbit for the new Alice in Wonderland soundtrack, "Almost Alice"...squawk!)


Nora's News said...

Okay- So I tried to read the book Alice in Wonderland, and could not force myself past the first five pages. It was the Grapes of Wrath all over again!!!

In the pages that I did read, Alice is mundanely curious. She never has any reservations and simply follows every whim. This just really fascinates me, because it's as if journeying to another world as a five year old (??Don't recall her age) is completely normal... which it isn't- we tend to be conscious of reality! Also when she actually starts to cry due to her inability to control the situation, which would scare anyone, the description of her emotions is so superficial... I'm not a fan.