Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Keywords: Reagan, Small Government, Jesus

Today, I stepped out of my box. I forced my mother to attend the "Get Motivated Business Seminar," a day full of notable and motivational speakers with one thing in common: conservatism. As you know, I am not exactly conservative. In fact, I'm not conservative at all. My whole life, I have attended endless "liberal" events and have really loved each of them. But I felt like my view of the political spectrum was incomplete. So when I saw the advertisement for this seminar, I knew it was the opportunity of a lifetime.
The seminar took place in the stadium where the Utah Jazz play and although people filtered in and out all day, it is safe to say that there were at least 15,000 people there. The seminar was targeted at businesses, so my mom and I originally thought we'd have to fake a business. We kind of did - our tickets said that we were from Issy Inc (a card company I made in maybe 3rd grade as alternative to Hallmark). But as it turned out, most people were there for personal motivation and weren't with companies at all.
My mom and I arrived while the host for the day was explaining how everything was going to work. She mentioned some of the speakers we would hear from throughout the day. Now, I have to be completely honest - I went to that seminar for 2 people: Colin Powell and Sarah Palin...obviously for different reasons. The newspaper had previously announced that Palin would be speaking via satellite so that had already dampened my mood. Plus, the host really annoyed me. She had on a gold sequin dress and 80s hair. Gag.
However, my spirits quickly picked up when she introduced Colin Powell as the first speaker! It was a pleasant surprise because they didn't tell us the order of the speakers. I really really respect Colin Powell. I think he's an incredibly intelligent and brave man. I have to really forgive him for some issues during the Iraq War, but otherwise, he is such an amazing, diplomatic figure. His speech disappointed me a little. He was trying to be really funny, but I LIKE stern, serious Colin Powell. However, it wasn't a bad speech by any means. He spoke a lot about globalization and his past. Overall, I liked it! It was just nice to see him!
Next, John Walsh, the host of Americas Most Wanted, spoke. Interesting, but not relevant to my story. Then more random people spoke, and I was ready to leave because I had no incentive since Sarah wasn't even going to be there...Until the host announced they had changed their plans and now she would be here LIVE. WIN.
Then Rudy Giuliani spoke. I respect Giuliani for what he did on and after 9/11, and for reducing crime in NYC. His speech wasn't too bad. He had some interesting things to say about how Churchill inspired him. He also encouraged people to read (yay)! However, he made the most political statements out of all of the politicians that spoke. Some of his claims were also a bit exaggerated. He said Obama warned people against using ipods and new technology in a commencement speech, but I just researched the speech and Obama actually made incredibly similar points in his speech as Giuliani did in his (that sometimes too much information isn't beneficial). He also said that everyone needs to go out and buy an ipod and a blackberry and a computer. I agree that those things are incredible, but it immediately struck me that he did not address the fact that some people simply cannot afford those things. Overall, it wasn't too bad of a speech. Politically charged, but it's to be expected.
The next significant speaker was Mitt Romney who spoke via satellite. He also made some random claims about Obama that really aren't true (that he apologized to the world for America...what?!). To be honest, I zoned out for a lot of his speech. He spoke a lot about his business ventures, god, and so on. Mitt is definitely an attractive man, but he left me flat inspirationally speaking. I'm sure part of that was the satellite. Again, overall it really wasn't a bad speech. You can really tell he's passionate about what he does, which is always nice to see.
Next Apollo Anton Ohno spoke. Okay, so he's not a politician (or conservative? do we know?), but he was definitely my favorite speaker of the day. Did you know he can leg press almost 2,000 lbs?! I know, crazy. As an athlete, I felt like I could really relate to his goals and how he felt that the process of preparation is what's really important. He knows it's about work, not random idealist stuff that only works for some people.
THEN the crowning moment, PPAAALLIIINNNN. I must add that Todd and Piper were there, for the record, at least I'm pretty sure it was them. We were in the nosebleeds. Here's why Sarah Palin surprised me - she did not mention politics at all. I think the most political thing she said was "media" or maybe when she made a joke about writing things on her hand. But that's it. Honestly, it was a little disappointing because I was hoping she would say something crazy and out there I could laugh at, but no go. Pity. However, she did get a few tag lines in which were hilarious and Fey-esque. Anyway, her whole speech was about how she was a high school athlete and how they won the state title for basketball. She was also the ONLY person to speak who used a podium or a script. She pretty much read her whole speech, and half of what she did read were quotes from John Wooden, not her own writing. Still, I am not disappointed, because she's Sarah Palin. She can do whatever she wants nowadays. She's a hot ticket! It was definitely worth it. How many people can claim they heard Sarah Palin say Wasilla, IN PERSON? Also I kind of have to thank her for helping make my Tina more famous. That's kinda mean. Sorry Sarah.
I think I reached my goal for today's experience, in that I learned a lot about the conservative political culture. I learned that there are three things that will make a stadium full of conservatives cheer, no matter how many times you say them: Reagan, small government, and Jesus (hence the title). Of course that is pretty much the exact opposite of every rally I have ever been to. Yes, it was a little annoying hearing about how government should be small all day, and as a non religious person, the constant devotion to Jesus also got on my nerves. Thankfully we're in Salt Lake and the chances of finding more people like me, or even Muslims, Hindus, or other religions is very very minimal so that probably didn't offend anybody. I learned that conservatives really don't want to be like Europe. I think that the flag is more prevalent in conservative rallies. They also like to point out how great America is more than liberals do. I think natural cynicism sort of comes with being liberal. We don't speak as positive in general as conservatives do. The seminar actually motivated me too (!), although, not for the reason it meant to. Hearing people I disagree with but admire for certain things has motivated me to beat them. I know that sounds belligerent, I don't mean it to. It's just that they made me realize I have to work THAT much harder to work for things I believe in so that the things I didn't like in their speeches never come true. Anyways, it was a really different, interesting, and enlightening day. No regrets...well maybe wearing more comfortable shoes.


katiemiddleton said...

ahhhh i have been waiting all day for this blog post- as i knew it would be a doozy.
i feel like i was actually there.
love it.

Olivia said... are a good blogger. I didn't understand half of the things you said but HOORAY!