Sunday, August 1, 2010

God has a name and its name is Google & 1776

I am back in my aunt and uncle's apartment in Sao Paulo. It's great to be here again because they are really active, interesting people and also give me access to wireless internet. I cannot sing the praises of the internet enough. With it, I have all the information in the world at my fingertips. For example, today I was curious and learned that Chopin died in the mid 1800s of tuberculosis and was in fact, Polish. I always thought he was French, but as it turns out, his father was French. Thank you internet for setting me straight.
In other news, I am going on a Led Zeppelin/Rolling Stones binge. I can't help it. They are just so good. I am also in love with the Maroon 5 song "Misery" and Robbie Williams' song "Tripping."

In only 4 days I will be back in the US. As you may or may not know, I am currently reading 1776 by David McCullough. It's about the first year of the American Revolution and the leadership of George Washington. I don't know why, but reading about all of this makes me feel a little sentimental. There is something about the beginning of our country that I find so beautiful. The compromises that our Founder's settled were incredible. I highly doubt that if you stuck 55 men in a room today, they would come up with the constitution, or that any 33 year old today could write the Declaration of Independence. And beyond eloquence, these men had something more. They had inspiration. They were fighting for a noble cause. I think what I find beautiful about the American Revolution is that it wasn't simply a war for conquest, or for some substance that would make everyone rich. It was about principles like freedom and the rights each person has in government. If you read the writings of say George Washington or John Adams they aren't encouraged by greed but by the prospect of independence and liberty for their fellow colonials. Living in America today, it's difficult to envision leaders with such noble motivations but knowing that it's possible gives you hope.